Saturday, July 12, 2014


So, I have been struggling for a few months with my writing, my health, everything. I know the small things effect the larger...and I am doing some soul searching as a result. I am a slow writer compared to many out there. Too hard on myself, and that trait tends to be detrimental, rather than beneficial, in the long run.

Having fought for weeks on the ending to; You're Always in the Last Place You Look, I stepped away. I decided to write about a pivotal moment in Trey's youth, namely his sixteenth birthday, the day he can never fully recall, and the one that gave him the means to take control of his own destiny.

Imagine my surprise when young Trey flowed effortlessly from mind, through fingers, and onto the screen. It's not where I wanted to be, but it's obviously where I needed to go. I plan to put this little story out when done as one of those awful little 0.5 works. After Out of the Dark is finished, I plan to give Justin his own novella, allowing him to explain his youth, and the events that made him who he is today.

Once winter sets in, and the second part of Trey and Justin's story is out in the cosmos, I plan to reevaluate what I am writing. I think I need the gritty, the dark, the dirty and hidden parts of life we all know are there, but most ignore. I'll see where my dear Shane (another of my favorite characters) leads me. It's time he gets a chance to tell his story.

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