Tuesday, March 25, 2014

I wanted to comment on the reviewers who have listed word misusages in; The Darker Side of Trey Grey. Despite what some readers may think, I used the words in question correctly. I am sorry for those who have misperceived the meanings of these words. I write fantasy also, and these words are used fairly prevalently in that genre. For those interested, here are the words and their intended meanings.

roué; morally unrestrained

reprobation; severe disapproval

fallaciously; falsely, or without your approval.

abnegator; one who gives up, or relinquishes something, such as control. (WOW, this one surprised me.)

latent (as opposed to blatant, which means almost the direct opposite of what I intented); not presently evident or realized. (Where as blatant means; completely obvious.)

So if those who honestly believed I did not understand the meaning of the words I wrote would like to re-read the paragraphs where these errors supposedly occured, I think you would find they now make sense, and you will acquire an understanding of proper word usage in developing the depth of an authors characters.

Now on to other issues. Yes, I know there are some puncuation issues, and I relied on others too much with correcting my to/too disability. I will be re-editing Trey, and to anyone who has a purchased copy, if you would like the revised edition, let me know, and include the date you purchased and from what retailer. I should have the revised copy uploaded by June 1st.

Thank you to all who have sent me words of praise and encouragement. I love you all.
