Friday, April 26, 2013

My LHNB story is headed through editing and is over 30K. I tried to keep it shorter and just couldn't do it. I hope everyone likes it. All of the stories written for this Goodreads event will be available in an anthology for free sometime in July. I will post a link to the download here when it becomes available.

There are some really good writers participating in this event and I felt honored to be able to participate and have such a good prompt. Thank you Anna!

Here is an excerpt;

“Who’s Ms. Taylor and are you sure it’s him?”

“Yeah, it’s him. Claudia’s dad is in the picture. Taylors’ the PI I hired. Listen, if I leave now I can be there before dark.”

I wasn’t sure I wanted him driving so upset but I knew going with him was out of the question. I didn’t have anyone to watch Chey and missing another day of work was a bad idea.

“Where is there?”

Bend, Oregon. They’re at a campground there. At least they are right now.”

“What about the sheriff? Can’t you call the police?”

“I already did. It’s a custody case. I never filed it as a kidnapping. Stupid, I know. They won’t do anything unless it becomes a domestic dispute. You know, violent. Claudia’s parents are idiots but they aren’t that stupid. If I show up they won’t stop me from taking him.”

I didn’t like this at all. “Will Ms. Taylor be there?”


Friday, April 12, 2013

I cleared 9K on my Love Has No Boundries project. I figure I am about halfway through. Now if I could just finish my untitled book... aw, well, it will come to me. I know where it needs to go, I just need to get it there. (excerpt under; Playgirl Bunny)

On a sad note. I am really missing Trey and Justin right now (The Darker Side of Trey Grey), and I won't be able to finish the final edit for a few more weeks. Little snippets of improvements keep floating through my head. A few words here, a minor change there. Of course, I could work on this book for the rest of my life, I love the characters that much. Trey owns a part of me and always will.

I have decided to attend Cascade Writers Workshop and submit the finished first chapter of Slayers for critique. I am looking for a roomy if anyone is interested in sharing hotel cost.